洗碗机Dishwasher 10 years
垃圾粉碎Garbage Disposer 10 years
烘干机Dryer 10 years
小冰柜Freezer (compact) 12 years
冰柜Freezer (standard) 16 years
微波炉Microwave Oven 11 years
电炉Range (freestanding and built-in, electric) 17 years
煤气炉Range (freestanding and built-in, gas) 19 years
小冰箱Refrigerator (compact) 14 years
冰箱Refrigerator (standard) 17 years
洗衣机Washer (automatic and compact) 13 years
排风扇Exhaust Fans 20 years
铸铁浴缸Cast Iron bathtub 50 years
玻璃纤维浴缸淋浴Fiberglass bathtub and shower 10-15 years
淋浴间门Shower door (average quality) 25 years
座便器Toilet 50 years
复合Laminate 10-15 years
瓷砖Ceramic tile (high grade installation) Lifetime
木质Wood/butcher block 20+ years
花岗岩Granite 20+ years
非法闯入报警系统Intrusion system 14 years
烟感Smoke Detector 12 years
Smoke/fire/intrusion system 10 years
纱门Screen 25- 50 years
室内门(空心)Interior (not perfect hollow core) <30 years to life
室内门(实心)Interior (solid core) 30 years to life
户外门(有屋檐遮挡)Exterior (protected overhang) 80-100 years
户外门(无遮挡)Exterior (unprotected and exposed) 25-30 years
折叠门Folding 30 years to life
车库门Garage door 20- 50 years
车库开门器Garage door opener 10 years
油漆,灰泥和抹灰处理Paint, plaster and stucco 3-5 years
密封胶,腊Sealer, silicone, and waxes 1-5 years
橡木松木实木Oak or pine Lifetime
板岩Slate flagstone Lifetime
聚乙烯Vinyl sheet or tile minimum
水磨石Terrazzo Lifetime
地毯Carpeting 11 years
大理石Marble Lifetime
橱柜Kitchen cabinets 15-20 years
混凝土现浇基础Poured footing & foundation 200 years
混凝土块Concrete block 100 years
水泥Cement 50 years
沥青防水处理Waterproofing (bituminous coating) 10 years
防白蚁处理Termite proofing 5 years
中央空调Air conditioning unit (central) 15 years
窗式空调Air conditioning unit (window) 10 years
踢脚电暖气Baseboard heat units 20 years
加湿器Humidifier 8 years
电热水器Water Heater (electric) 14 years
煤气热水器Water Heater (gas) 11- 13 years
强迫送风暖炉,热泵Forced air furnace, heat pump 15 years
暖炉(煤气,燃油)Furnace, gas or oil fired 18 years
木质平台Wooden deck 15 years
砖,混凝土平台Brick and concrete patio 24 years
网球场Tennis court 10 years
混凝土步道Concrete walk 24 years
碎石步道Gravel walk 4 years
沥青车道Asphalt driveway 10 years
游泳池Swimming pool 18 years
自动喷淋Sprinkler system 12 years
篱笆Fence 12 years
外墙Exterior paint on wood, brick and aluminum 7-10 years
内墙Interior wall paint 5-10 years
室内门装饰线Interior trim and door paint 5-10 years
壁纸Interior wallpaper 7 years
水龙头(低质量)Faucets (low quality) 13-15 years
水龙头(高质量)Faucets (high quality) 15 20 years
水盆(铁质上釉)Sinks (enamel steel sink) 5-10 years
水盆(铸铁铁上釉)Sinks (enamel cast iron sink) 25-30 years
水盆(陶瓷)Sinks (Porcelain sink) 25-30 years
污水管(混凝土)Waste pipe (concrete) 50-100 years
污水管(铸铁)Waste pipe (cast iron) 75-100 years
沥青(玻璃纤维),木质瓦Asphalt and wood shingles and shakes 15-30 years
沥青(合成)瓦Asphalt composition shingle 15-30 years
组合屋面(沥青卷材)Built-up roofing (asphalt) 12-25 years
组合屋面(3毡2油)Built-up roofing (coat and tar) 12-30 years
排水槽和落水管Gutters and downspouts 30 years
石板屋面Slate 50-100 years
铁质卷材屋面Sheet metal 20-50 years 瓦Tile 50 years
铝Aluminum Siding 20-50 years
铁Steel Siding 50 years to Life
聚乙烯Vinyl Siding 50 years
木质Wood Siding 10- 100 years
铝Aluminum casement 10-20 years
纱窗Screens 25- 50 years
窗玻璃Window glazing 20 years
窗扇Wood casement 20-50 years